How Colors Affect Conversion Rate of Your Site – #Infographic

Color has a great psychological impact on the human brain. From messaging to color, it can persuade to either purchase or walk away. Making small adjustments to how you do your marketing, can have a positive effect on your conversions.

Key Highlights

  • 85% of shoppers say that color is the primary reason for buying a product
  • 66% of people wont buy certain appliances unless it comes in their preferred color
  • 26% full color ads in magazines get recgnized 26% more often than black and white ads
  • Color increases brand recognition by 80%

Here is an infographic from Quicksprout on how colors affect your conversion rate, so that it can help in increasing conversions online.

Click image to enlarge

How Colors Affect Conversion Rate of Your Site

About Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh is a young enthusiast who Loves Internet Marketing and is always eager to share useful and authentic content on SEO, link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization to help others. A Software Engineer By Chance and Working as a CEO in SEO Experts Company India, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in India. A Basket Ball Player and a Budding Entrepreneur.

Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh is a young enthusiast who Loves Internet Marketing and is always eager to share useful and authentic content on SEO, link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization to help others. A Software Engineer By Chance and Working as a CEO in SEO Experts Company India, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in India. A Basket Ball Player and a Budding Entrepreneur.