How to Signup with Google Analytics for your Site or Blog for Beginners

Get started with Analytics

1) Go to Google Analytics Signup and use your gmail account to sign-in with, and if you do not have a Gmail account, then create your Google account first

2) Now, visit the Google Analytics website to sign in for a new Google Analytics account with your gmail account.

Google Analytics Setup

3) On signing in with your gmail account, you will be prompted to a screen like the one below

Google Analytics Setup

4) Once you’ve signed up, you’ll come to the setup screen. At the time of this post, Universal Analytics is currently in beta and doesn’t have the same full capabilities as Classic Analytics. Choose Classic Analytics to start (you can upgrade later once Universal Analytics is out of beta).
Google Analytics Setup

5) Now fill rest of the required information like Account name, website name, country, timezone and more.

Google Analytics Setup

6) Once you have entered all the required information.

7) Click on “Get Tracking ID” button, and agree to the pop-up Terms of Service and you’re all set!

Google Analytics Setup

8) You will be presented now with your site’s or blog Google Analytics tracking code. Congrats!

Google Analytics Setup

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About Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh is a young enthusiast who Loves Internet Marketing and is always eager to share useful and authentic content on SEO, link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization to help others. A Software Engineer By Chance and Working as a CEO in SEO Experts Company India, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in India. A Basket Ball Player and a Budding Entrepreneur.

Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh is a young enthusiast who Loves Internet Marketing and is always eager to share useful and authentic content on SEO, link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization to help others. A Software Engineer By Chance and Working as a CEO in SEO Experts Company India, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in India. A Basket Ball Player and a Budding Entrepreneur.