Google Analytics – Now Exclude Traffic from Bots and Spiders

Now Google Analytics announced bot and spider filtering to identify the REAL traffic that comes to your pages. Google Analytics team has announced on their official Google+ page to help site owners to identify how much of their traffic was actual human visitors and how much of your traffic was really scrapers, bots, and other web spiders? This solution is essential for getting deeper insights.

How to Exclude Traffic from Bots and Spiders

1) Sign in to Google Analytics  account with your Gmail account.
2) Go to your Admin settings.
3) Click on the View Settings
Google Analytics View Settings

4) Select a checkbox option at the bottom labeled as”Exclude all hits from known bots and spiders

bot and spider filter Google Analytics

5) The click on the save button



About Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh is a young enthusiast who Loves Internet Marketing and is always eager to share useful and authentic content on SEO, link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization to help others. A Software Engineer By Chance and Working as a CEO in SEO Experts Company India, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in India. A Basket Ball Player and a Budding Entrepreneur.

Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh is a young enthusiast who Loves Internet Marketing and is always eager to share useful and authentic content on SEO, link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization to help others. A Software Engineer By Chance and Working as a CEO in SEO Experts Company India, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in India. A Basket Ball Player and a Budding Entrepreneur.